Blank lined writing paper
Paper 2 Question Ib Chemistry Topic 11
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
My worse day ever
My most noticeably terrible day at any point was the day my sibling dropped out the window, and nearly kicked the bucket. My siblings name is All. He was conceived on January 9, 2004 and Is the fourth kid in our family. He was eight and a half long stretches of old. Everything occurred on Tuesday September 11, 2012. My day started Like some other day not recognizing what was covered up for me, I believed this would have been an incredible day. I had no Clue about that my sibling was going to tumble from the second floor window and nearly bite the dust. In this exposition I will educate you about how my day started, to how he fell and what occurred toward the end. I went to class like consistently and came home.When I showed up home we were informed that visitors may come over, so I cleaned the house and got dressed. After we finished cleaning we had our supper. During the supper the kids had made a significant wreckage under the table so I went upstairs to get the vacuum. My room was close to the room where all the young men rested. There were five young men that rested in that room since we lived with our cousins. It was difficult to have beds so they had five sleeping pads on the floor but since we needed to vacuum we put three against one divider and corresponding to that divider and put the other two under the window.As went through the rooms I saw my sibling All and cousin Mustang were hurling themselves and Jumping on the bedding from one divider to the next. As I got the vacuum and left my room toward the edge of my eye I saw my cousin Mustangs face. His face was red and he appear as though he was frightened. I've at no point ever observed a small kid frightened in that manner. I detected something incorrectly in this way, I started to search for All be that as it may, there was no sight of him. All I saw was the open window and strangely, the screen was half ripped off. I let go of the vacuum and hurried to the window.I scarcely observed anything, al I saw was his arm, I felt my heart drop. On the off chance that somebody to hit me at that point there would not have been even a solitary drop of blood that is the manner by which super cold and stunned I was. As I ran down the steps I was speechless. Without deduction I gulped and yelled†All Fell Out The Window Yummy!! â€Å". My sister summer and I said It simultaneously in light of the fact that she was down steps and saw him from the first floor window. My mom was In the kitchen doing the dishes, when she heard her face changed In shading and she tumbled to the ground In tears not comprehending what to do.My Aunt immediately ran steps to tell my uncle who has quite recently entered the shower following a long hot day at work. Everybody in the house was crying as though he had passed on. Everything was in the patio laying face down on the solid floor. Nobody needed to head outside and see him for the dread of him being dead. I couldn't Just forget about him there so I ran o ut. I opened the terrace entryway and went close to him. I started to cry as saw him laying there. I felt as though the world had finished. I told my self Hess alive. I felt him breathing yet he was unconscious.Suddenly he woke up and started to attempt to get p so I got him in my arms and opened the entryway. SSL went into the house his temple and his nose started to drain. I went towards the front room and sat on the table with All In my lap and soon he started to cry since he saw everybody crying. My mom was crazy so I hollered at her, and advised her to get a towel and wipe the blood of his face. She did that while my uncle called the emergency vehicle and my dad. Hurt? â€Å". All answered in tears and a feeble voice â€Å"l don't need shots! I don't need shots! â€Å".Through all that torment his lone dread was to get shot. The police showed up and, a couple of moments later the rescue vehicle did as well. They came in and enveloped All by a bed and took him. My mom went wi th, I needed to go with her yet the police continued asking me inquiries. They expected this had been intentionally done and they needed to hold us under observation. I needed to tell the police everything and give them everything till they comprehended what occurred and left. I was distant from everyone else at home with all the children, who were up steps stowing away in my room and crying from dread that All could have been dead.I went upstairs to comfort them and to disclose to them that All was â€Å"Okay' ND to Just make flop for him to get back home soon. After quite a while of standing by anxiously my mother at long last called my auntie and revealed to her beginning and end. My auntie appeared to be unique and her face got pale however she attempted to act ordinary. At the point when she finished the call I asked her what occurred. She revealed to me that All crushed his spirit, neck and, cheek bone and that he probably won't be ever ready to walk again. I started to cry t hen she asked me not to tell the children or anybody. She likewise said that the specialists will be taking one last x-beam to choose the outcome.That night I spent it altogether making flop and leaving everybody I know to make failure and request that others make failure. That night was amazingly long, I was unable to hold up till morning to hear what occurred. Morning came and nobody called. I sat on the sofa peering out the window and Just imaging All getting back home generally improved then out of nowhere the telephone rang. My uncle this time replied and he looked astounded for reasons unknown. I held up till he hung up and afterward saw him hanging tight for him to state something. At that point he said â€Å"All is fine and is returning home tonight†. I took a gander at him and said â€Å"How? What do you mean by better. He answered †Its a wonder ! Intruding on him I said â€Å"what is? â€Å"After the subsequent x beam the specialists discovered nothing bro ken except for his wrist. Nobody trusted it, they had five specialists come in and check. â€Å". I was flabbergasted †Allah had acknowledged our duds! †I answered. I felt that the time was passing by gradually. They said they'll be here before seven however it was presently seven thirty. We held up till eight and afterward they at long last came. At the point when I saw my sibling I started to cry my auntie requested that I stop so I went to wash my face and returned steps and, invested energy with my family. That was my most noticeably terrible day ever. I get it wound up okay since my sibling didn't pass on.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Extinction of Baiji Essay Example for Free
The Extinction of Baiji Essay The Baiji, otherwise called the Chinese River Dolphin, are a piece of the family Plantanistiade, the stream dolphin family. They had exsited in the Yangtze River in China for thousand of years. In any case, the Baiji was as of late pronounced wiped out. The baiji’s end can be credited to over angling, its deadly condition and the Great Leap Forward in China. Inordinate and illicit angling was an extraordinary danger to the baiji’s lifestyle. Electric angling and the angling strategy called â€Å"rolling hooks†were been prohibited in China. In any case, anglers on the Yangtze River despite everything use them out of comfort, and requirement of the boycott was troublesome. The master Zhou states, â€Å"This (electic) angling technique, in which an under waterdevice is utilized to stagger oceanic creatures, slaughters any living being induding what was at one time the dolphin’s prey.†40 percent of Dolphins passings were because of this sort of angling yearly (Gerg Ruland). Moreover, moving snares, â€Å"long, twisted lines with various sharp snares are intended to get fish, caused various baiji death.†For whatever length of time that the baiji was gotten by one of the snares, it would battle with all the more moving snares. At last, the blood flew out of the baiji’s body, and it would kick the bucket. (Memorial for a Freashwater Dolphin) . The earth in the Yangtze River, where the baiji had settled its natural surroundings in, was deadly to the baiji. Traffic on the Yangtza River, which is the busiest on the planet, harmed the tryout of the baiji. Lovgren in his article expresses that, â€Å"The huge boat traffic on the Yangtze, one of the world’s busiest conduits, puzzles the sonic wave that the about visually impaired dolphin used to rely upon to discover food.†Moreover, the pontoons on the Yangtze pulled in some of the baiji to slam into propellers, since the propellers delivered a significant part of the sound wave and confounded the baiji’s tryout (Ruland). Another assignable reason that crushed the baiji’s living space was dams along the Y angtze River. Thes dams additionally obliterated the environment of the stream. What's more, when the greatest dam, the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Dam in 1994, started to be developed, this â€Å"wreaked devastation on the baiji’s remaining living space. In 1997, just 13 baiji remained†(The Tragedy of the Yangtze River Dolphin). Individuals exploit the important nature assets, living close by the Yangtze. In any case, in view of the unnecessary use, the baiji couldn't get by in the dying condition lastly bite the dust. In any case, neither Chinese individuals nor the Chinese government remembered the assurance of the species during the timespan of the Great Leap Forward, which was an ideal opportunity to change China into a cutting edge, industrialized socialist society. The baiji’s populace declined drastically at that point. The baiji was reproved for their verifiable status, â€Å"Goddess of the Yangtze River†(Smith, et al). Thus individuals were urged to slaughter the baiji, since the narrative of this species was viewed as a piece of odd notion and feudalism. The baiji likewise executed for their white skin and flesh(Smith, et al) . It was urged for the contemporary to slaughter the baiji, since they treat baiji as their benefit and the image of the awful conventional impact. All in all, the elimination of the baiji came about because of human exercises. Individuals who live close by the Yangtze improved their live relied upon the crushing the baiji’s living space and catching the baiji. The deplorability of the baiji’s annihilation included some major disadvantages while the expectation for everyday comforts of individuals was advanced.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Lithium as Treatment for Bipolar Disorder
Lithium as Treatment for Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print Lithium as Treatment for Bipolar Disorder By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on January 23, 2020 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on February 12, 2020 Bipolar Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Your Rights GARO / Getty Images Lithium is prescribed as a mood stabilizer for people who have bipolar disorder. It acts to help control the mania, hypomania, depression, and psychosis associated with the condition.?? Lithium is a naturally occurring element that was found, in the late 1800s, to have mood-stabilizing properties. The first paper on using lithium to treat what was then called manic depression was published in 1949. The FDA approved lithium in 1970. Even now, the specific way lithium helps people with bipolar disorder is complex and not fully understood. When Is Lithium Prescribed? This drug is formally approved to treat manic episodes of bipolar disorder when symptoms such as grandiosity, racing thoughts, hypersexuality, delusions, hallucinations, and decreased need for sleep appear. However, it has also been shown to help with depressive symptoms, psychotic features, and mixed episodes. Some research has shown that lithium can also be useful in treating unipolar depression (depression without the mania seen in bipolar disorder) when added to one or more other depression medications, so doctors sometimes prescribe it for this, too.?? When Should Lithium Not Be Prescribed? Lithium can damage your kidneys, especially with long-term use.?? All patients should be screened for kidney problems before starting lithium and should be screened regularly while taking it as well. If significant kidney problems show up in the initial testing, lithium should be prescribed only with great care and close monitoring. If kidney problems develop later, your doctor may consider discontinuing lithium, since it may be possible to reverse the damage once you stop taking the medication. There are several medical conditions and circumstances that also require particular caution when lithium is prescribed: Diuretic useACE inhibitor useSignificant heart or vascular diseaseSevere dehydration; sodium and electrolyte abnormalities Early studies indicate lithium may also be safe and effective for treatment of bipolar symptoms in children and adolescents.?? Warnings About Lithium There are several important warnings for people taking lithium. These include: Blood levels of lithium must be monitored regularly. This medication can be toxic if the level of the element in your blood gets too high. Symptoms of an overdose include diarrhea, vomiting, tremor, mild problems walking, drowsiness, or muscular weakness.?? Report any of these symptoms to a doctor immediately.Taking lithium for bipolar disorder may cause a condition called lithium nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI).?? This is a rare disease in which your kidneys fail to recirculate water, leading to excessive urination. If you notice that you are very thirsty and are urinating too often, call your doctor immediately to report your symptoms.If you will be put under an anesthetic â€" say, for a surgery â€" make sure the doctors know you are taking lithium.Lithium is known to cause congenital disabilities,?? and the risk is increased if another mood stabilizer (such as carbamazepine) is taken with it. If you are of childbearing age, are pregnant, or become pregnant while taking lithiu m, discuss this with your doctor. Lithium is excreted in breast milk, so women are advised not to breastfeed infants while taking this medication. Precautions Make sure you maintain normal fluid and salt intake when taking lithium. Dehydration or low levels of sodium in the blood may be dangerous.Prolonged sweating, diarrhea, or a high fever can cause your tolerance to lithium to decrease and may require medical treatment. Check with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.Lithium can cause hypothyroidism and hyperparathyroidism.?? Your doctor should check your blood calcium levels periodically, as these are connected to the workings of the parathyroid gland, as well as for underactive thyroid. Drugs to Avoid When Taking Lithium There is a long list of medications that may interact negatively with lithium or increase the risk of side effects. Some drugs that are commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder fall into this category. They include: Calcium channel blockers (the interaction may be serious)Clozapine (Clozaril)Cymbalta (duloxetine)Celexa (citalopram)Lexapro (escitalopram)Luvox (fluvoxamine)Paxil (paroxetine)Prozac (fluoxetine) (requires close monitoring by your doctor)Risperdal (risperidone)Tegretol (carbamazepine) (the interaction may be serious)Zoloft (sertraline)Zyprexa (olanzapine) People who are taking lithium should also avoid taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen) on a regular basis, diuretics such as HCTZ (used in hypertension) and furosemide (in heart failure), and ACE inhibitors (blood pressure).?? Also, tetracyclines can increase blood levels, while using large amounts of caffeine may actually decrease blood levels. Lithium Side Effects The most common side effects of lithium, which may go away after initial use, are:?? Increased frequency of urination or loss of bladder controlIncreased thirstMild nauseaSlight trembling of hands Weight gain over time is also common.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Xerox Is A Leading Business Process Outsourcing - 1068 Words
Frame: Overview Xerox is a leading business process outsourcing and document management technology and services firm operating out of 180 countries around the world. In 2014, Xerox reported year end revenues of $19,540 million, down 2.3% from 2013, and a net profit of $969 million, up 17.7% from 2013. Xerox’s operations are broken down in to several main segments: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Xerox business process outsourcing services provide support functions such as customer care, transaction processing, finance and accounting, and human resources to a broad range of firms and organizations. The BPO services segment is focused on providing support functions to select business groups and industries including healthcare, commercial industries, public sector, and government healthcare. Through its healthcare provider solutions, the firm supports health providers operating in varying capacities to better access patient data, comply with industry regulations, reduce administrative costs, and provide better healthcare services. To commercial and public sector entities, Xerox provides support with transportation and logistics, electronic toll collection, parking management, health and human services, administrative support, and various taxation related functions. Xerox also offers many of these services across major global markets. Document Outsourcing: In its document outsourcing capacity Xerox offers both managed print services and centralized print services.Show MoreRelatedXerox Is A Leading Business Process Outsourcing1570 Words  | 7 Pages1: Frame: A: Overview Xerox is a leading business process outsourcing and document management technology and services firm operating out of 180 countries around the world. In 2014, Xerox reported year end revenues of $19,540 million, down 2.3% from 2013, and a net profit of $969 million, up 17.7% from 2013. Xerox’s operations are broken down in to several main segments: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Xerox business process outsourcing services provide support functions such as customer careRead MoreXerox Is A Leading Business Process Outsourcing1570 Words  | 7 Pages1: Frame: A: Overview Xerox is a leading business process outsourcing and document management technology and services firm operating out of 180 countries around the world. In 2014, Xerox reported year end revenues of $19,540 million, down 2.3% from 2013, and a net profit of $969 million, up 17.7% from 2013. Xerox’s operations are broken down in to several main segments: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Xerox business process outsourcing services provide support functions such as customer careRead MoreComparing Xerox s Performance With The Information Technology Services Industry Average Performance1082 Words  | 5 Pages3, Comparison A, Compare to the industry: When compare Xerox’s performance with the Information Technology Services industry average performance, we choose some ratio to compare. Also, in order to understand clearly how Xerox performs in the whole market, we use the SP 500 data as reference. 2014 2013 Industry Average Ratio in 2014 SP 500 Profitability Return on Equity 8.58% 9.79% 14.57% 19.72% Profit Margin 18.76% 21.12% 10.30% 13.65% Asset Turnover Ratio 18.65% 18.91% 1.26 0.93 Liquidity AccountsRead MoreXerox: Business Analysis Essay2202 Words  | 9 PagesXerox, best known for the clear overhead projector sheets, is a company that supplies to a mass amount of customers and businesses with a high level of customer satisfaction and speed. They accomplish this by having a sophisticated supply chain that accomplishes an expedient stream of products while delivering quality service. Xerox focuses on creating diverse product line as well as a diverse client focus. 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Duke Dr. Eddie Montgomery Leadership and Organizational Behavior June 9, 2013 It is rare nowadays for a person to become the top ranking executive at the same company they intern with. Ursula Burns did just that by doing a summer internship with Xerox Corporation, and going on to become the CEO twenty-nine years later. Ursula Burns was the first African-American women to be name CEO of a Fortune 500 company, andRead MoreCase Analysis : Kodak And Nokia810 Words  | 4 Pagesindicate more than 80% of the executive at large companies recognize the need for transformation. The article points out the five fault line principles that consist of the customer needs, performance metrics, industry position, business models and capability. No business can survives over the long term without reinvest itself. Kodak and Nokia is a typically example, company should understand their internal and external factors, and do the appropriate adjustments and reinvesting attempt. It may takeRead MoreManagement Function Controlling1653 Words  | 7 Pages The function s of management uniquely describe managers jobs. The most commonly cited functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, although some identify additional functions. The functions of management define the process of management as distinct from accounting, finance, marketing, and other business functions. These functions provide a useful way of classifying information about management, and most basic management texts since the 1950s have beenRead MoreBenchmarking at Xerox4503 Words  | 19 PagesXEROX - THE BENCHMARKING STORY Source link: The case examines the benchmarking initiatives taken by Xerox, one of the world s leading copier companies, as a part of its Leadership through Quality program during the early 1980s. The case discusses in detail the benchmarking concept and its implementation in various processes at Xerox. It also explores the positive impact of benchmarking practices on Xerox. BenchmarkingRead MoreCanon Case2196 Words  | 9 PagesJapanese company to a major part of the photocopier market and a challenger of Xerox through its company values and strategies. The company’s CEO always had the future of the company in mind and never lost sight of the company’s long term goals as they began to produce a small, cheaper photocopier. One of Canon s main strategies was to decentralize the organization by creating individual business units. Each business unit had its own decision-making function. This strategy allowed Canon to sell
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Phrase Structure Grammar Definition and Explanation
Phrase structure grammar is a type of generative grammar in which constituent structures are represented by phrase structure rules or rewrite rules. Some of the different versions of phrase structure grammar (including head-driven phrase structure grammar) are considered in examples and observations below. A phrase structure (or constituent) functions as the base component in the classic form of transformational grammar introduced by Noam Chomsky in the late 1950s. Since the mid-1980s, however, lexical-function grammar (LFG), categorial grammar (CG), and head-driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG) have developed into well-worked-out alternatives to transformational grammar Examples and Observations The underlying structure of a sentence or a phrase is sometimes called its phrase structure or phrase marker. . . . Phrase-structure rules provide us with the underlying syntactic structure of sentences we both produce and comprehend. . . .There are different types of phrase-structure grammar. Context-free grammars contain only rules that are not specified for particular contexts, whereas context-sensitive grammars can have rules that can only be applied in certain circumstances. In a context-free rule, the left-hand symbol can always be rewritten by the right-hand one regardless of the context in which it occurs. For example, the writing of a verb in its singular or plural form depends on the context of the preceding noun phrase. Rewrite Rules The idea of a PSG [phrase structure grammar] is simple. We first note what syntactic categories appear to exist in a given language, and what different internal structures each of these can have. Then, for each such structure, we write a rule that displays that structure. So, for example, an English sentence typically consists of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase (as in My sister bought a car), and we, therefore, write a phrase-structure rule as follows: S→NP VP This says that a sentence may consist of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase. . . . We continue in this way until we have a rule for every structure in the language.Now the set of rules can be used to generate sentences. Starting with S (for sentence), we apply some suitable rule to tell us what units the sentence consists of, and then to each of those units we apply a further rule to tell us what units it consists of, and so on. A phrase structure grammar consists of a set of ordered rules known as rewrite rules, which are applied stepwise. A rewrite rule has a single symbol on the left and one or more symbols on the right: A→BCC→D More than one symbol on the right constitutes a string. The arrow is read as is rewritten as, has as its constituents, consists of, or is expanded as. The plus sign is read as followed by, but it is often omitted. The rule may also be depicted in the form of a tree diagram...The phrase structure rules also allow for choices. The optional choices are indicated with parentheses: A→(B)C This rule reads that A is expanded as optionally B and obligatorily C. In every rewrite rule, at least one element must be obligatory. There may also be mutually exclusive choices of elements in a string; these are indicated with curly braces: A→{B,C} This rule states that if you choose B, you cant choose C, but you must choose oneâ€â€either B or C, but not both. Whether the mutually exclusive items are written on one line separated by commas or on separate lines does not matter, as long as they occur within braces. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) Head-driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG) has evolved as a synthesis of ideas from a number of theoretical sources, including generalized phrase structure grammar (GPSG), categorial grammar, and formal theories of data structure representation . . .. HPSG uses a fundamental theoretical strategy made familiar by GPSG: the enumeration of a class of objects, corresponding to expressions of some natural language, and a set of constraints whose interaction enforces the appropriate covariation of formal properties reflecting the dependencies that any grammar of that language must capture.A head-driven phrase structure grammar of some language defines the set of signs (form/meaning/correspondences) which that language comprises. The formal entities that model signs in HPSG are complex objects called feature structures, whose form is limited by a set of constraints--some universal and some language parochial. The interaction of these constraints defines the grammatical structure of each su ch sign and the morphosyntactic dependencies which hold between its subcomponents. Given a specific set of such constraints, and a lexicon providing at least one feature structure description for each word in the language, an infinite number of signs is recursively characterized. Sources Borsley and Bà ¶rjars, Non-Transformational Syntax, 2011.Laurel J. Brinton, The Structure of Modern English: A Linguistic Introduction. John Benjamins, 2000R.L. Trask, Language, and Linguistics: The Key Concepts, 2nd ed., edited by Peter Stockwell. Routledge, 2007Trevor A. Harley, The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory, 4th edition. Psychology Press, 2014Georgia M. Green and Robert D. Levine, Introduction to Studies in Contemporary Phrase Structure Grammar. Cambridge University Press, 1999
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Child Observation Report Free Essays
string(29) " to answer simple questions\." Such studies are inducted by scientists or researchers wanting to study the behavior of an organism (including humans) in a natural setting. It can be useful in collecting data that clearly reflects the constraints of an organism’s normal environment and in the case where experimental techniques would be impractical or unethical. This report outlines the data collected during the sessions with each child. We will write a custom essay sample on Child Observation Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Will refer to Piglet’s Cognitive Development Theory to demonstrate how it is useful in determining different stages of development. I will also outline my observations of both children in terms of where they fit in regards to Piglet’s Cognitive Development Theory. Setting My observations were of two siblings; a four year old girl and a five year old boy. I made arrangements to do the observation through a friend of mine, who has two children under the age of six. I have known this family for three years. The first observation was of the four year old girl (M), which took place on August 19, 2014 starting at 2:23 pm outside in the backyard of their home. Present was her older brother (T – 5 years old), her mother (J), a female friend of the family (C), a medium sized German shepherd, who is the family dog (K) and myself. The backyard was quite large with a large play center with a swing set attached. The sky was a little clouded over, but it was still warm outside. The adults were sitting on the deck around the patio table. The children were told was there to do some work. They did not really pay too much attention to me. I interacted a little with the adults at the table so that I did not seem out of place to the children. My presence did not seem to affect the children at all. Sat with my chair facing the whole backyard so that I could see the children at all times. The second observation was of the five ear old boy I made arrangements with the mother to do the second observation with this child later the same week. The observation took place on August 22, 2014 at 1:08 pm outside in the backyard of their home. This family is preparing to move in one week; therefore the backyard Was the best place to do the observation at the home. Present was his younger sister (M- 4 years old), his mother 0), a medium sized German shepherd, who is the family dog (K) and myself. The backyard was quite large with a large play center with a swing set attached. The sky was a little clouded over, but it was till warm outside. The mother and I were sitting on the deck around the patio table. The children were told I was there again to do some work. They again did not really pay too much attention to me. I interacted a little with their mother at the table so that did not seem out of place to the children. My presence did not seem to affect the children at all. Sat with my chair facing the whole backyard so that could see the children at all times. Results l. Self-concept: M pointed out that she did her hair all by herself when C arrived and M also showed C her new purse. M also shows the ability to scribe how she is feeling about her brother s actions, â€Å"l don ‘t like it when T hits me with his sword†or when she tells T, â€Å"I want to be alone right now†. . Gross Motor Skills: M demonstrated gross motor skills indicative off normal 4 year old. During the time of observation she displayed running around the backyard both with her brother and with the family dog, walking over to the play center, climbing over the chair on the deck, somersaults in the grass and jumping off the chair and off the family friend’s lap. Ill. Fine Motor Skills: M demonstrated normal fine motor skills. She cut open her fruit knack package with scissors without difficulty. She put on her own shoes (fastened believer) on the correct feet before going outside to play. IV. Vocal Language Development: M demonstrated the ability to form sentences more than 4 to 6 words. For example; â€Å"l told you I want to be alone†. She showed the ability to ask ‘Why ‘ questions. She shows an understanding of prepositions when her mother told her that her purse was behind her. She does, however have some grammatical difficulties and people other than her family do have difficulty deciphering what she is saying at times. According to ere mother she has been seen by a Speech Language Pathologist and will be working with them on her speech. V. Social Emotional Development: M showed a lot of interest in playing with her brother; however was also fine playing with the family dog as well. She appeared to really enjoy the imaginative play with her brother while playing the sword fight; however did upset easily if the game was not going her way and did change the rules quite a bit to her brother’s dismay. She was quite distracted by the family dog and tended to her a lot. She displayed some difficulty with moral reasoning on he swing set when she was calling her brother a â€Å"party pants†repeatedly until he got upset. When her brother kept getting in trouble instead of her she did not seem to be aware of his feelings when he was upset, instead she kept antagonizing him. VI. Cognitive Development: M understands the concept of grouping and matching as displayed when she was helping her mother with the puzzle and when taking items out of her purse. She also showed the ability to count from 1 to 10 when she was taking the items out of her purse. She showed the ability to identify secondary colors when showing the family friend her new â€Å"pink†purse. She was able to answer simple questions. You read "Child Observation Report" in category "Observation essays" She was also able to identify common objects and what they are used for; for example the family dogs ball, scissors, hat. Results (Child T) l. Gross Motor Skills: T demonstrated gross motor skills indicative of a normal 5 year old. During the time of observation he displayed running around the backyard, skipping, jumping, walking on just his hands, doing handstands, and hanging on the bars upside down on the play centre. II. Fine Motor Skills: T demonstrated normal fine motor skills. He put on his own shoes (fastened by velour) on the correct feet before going outside to play. He was able to use scissors to open his sour patch kids, which was his snack that afternoon. Ill. Vocal Language Development: T demonstrated the ability to form sentences more than 4 to 6 words. For example; â€Å"I’m goanna throw it really high†, â€Å"There is a wasp in your ear, Can I have friends over later†? He demonstrated the ability to ask â€Å"why†questions. He does not have any speech or grammatical difficulties. He appears to have met all of his developmental milestones for his age. VII. Social Emotional Development: It is quite apparent that T really enjoys imaginative play and is able to accomplish this either with others or by himself. He did not partake in any imaginative play with his sister this time; however did do some imaginative play on his own pretending to be a gymnast who was displaying his talents for a crowd, as he bowed for people when he completed a stunt on the bars or completed a handstand. He also engaged in imaginative play with the family dog pretending she was his dragon. He also is able to talk quietly to himself while playing on his own, but does not seem to be talking to a third person or imaginary friend. VIII. Cognitive Development: T understands the concept of grouping and matching as displayed when he was putting all the same lord sour patch kids together and separating them. He also noted which ones had less in each group than the others. He let those for last. He demonstrated the ability to count from 1 to 10 and demonstrated the ability to identify primary colors. He was able to answer simple questions. He was also able to identify common objects and what they are used for; for example the family dogs ball and scissors. Discussion: Integration of behavior with theory According to Piglet’s Cognitive Development Theory (Beer, 201 0, p. 31 8), both children are in the operational stage (2-7), and they behave normally. They are classified as operational children, because the definition of the operational stage is as follows; ages between 2-7, preschool children use symbols to represent their early sentiments discoveries. The development of language and make-believe play takes place; however, thinking lacks the logic of the two remaining stages. T is a very active child. He has been in pre kindergarten over the last year and has been very socialized between school, extra-curricular activities, playground and playmates with friends. He is on a soccer team as well and enjoys this very much his mother says. T was quite active on the play centre this afternoon, especially on the hanging bars showing off his ability to hang upside down. He also displayed his ability to swing on the swings while standing on the swing instead of sitting on it. He is quite a daring child. He was engaging in make-believe play acting as though he was doing these stunts for an audience as after each stunt he would get up and bow to the imaginary audience. M was happily swinging on the swing set, petting her dog, doing somersaults in the grass and drawing in the mud with a stick. She has the ability to keep herself busy and is happy to do so. She also enjoyed make-believe play with her brother playing a sword fight. Make-believe play increases in sophistication during the pre-school years (Beer, 2010, p. 318). M used her stick as her â€Å"sword†during the sword fight and as her â€Å"magic wand†later on during the observation. This demonstrates her ability to coordinate her make-believe roles and pretend with less realistic toys (Beer, 2010, p. 318). M and T were both using the play center together happily. M fell off her swing and T went up and hit M for no reason and walked over to K, the family dog. T hugs K quite roughly and says â€Å"You’re my mummy bear†and walks away. I have noted on both occasions during these observations that T displays a bit of aggression. According to Freud, play can have a cathartic effect, as children try to rid themselves of traumatic events or negative feelings through play. T asks his mother, â€Å"Mom, do you have to work today? His mother says â€Å"No, not today’. T asks â€Å"Why†? His mother answers, â€Å"Because have the day foot spend time with you and your sister†. T says, â€Å"Okay, I like that†. His language and understanding of language is well formed and has good sentence structure for his stage in development. His has no beech or grammatical issues. He asks â€Å"why†questions and understands the meaning to the answers to simple questions and answers. M told her brother â€Å"l want to be alone†. Her brother did not leave her alone. M turned to him and said, â€Å"l told you, want to be alone†! This demonstrates M’s ability to verbalize her feelings and has a solid awareness of what she is feeling and thinking and is able to share it with others readily. During the sword fight, M said â€Å"you be the sword, I will be the gun†. T did not like this role change and disagreed. M said, â€Å"No! I am the gun, you are the sword†. She continued to e a gun, which seemed to anger T and he started hitting M with his sword. M screamed and T got in trouble with his mother. M was able to assign roles; however was not able to negotiate well, which is usually indicated during the operational stage. On the play center, M was swinging on the swing and T was on the bar hanging upside down beside her. M calls T a â€Å"poppy pants†. T gets off the bar and hits her swing with his sword. M screams. T goes back to the bar. M calls T a â€Å"party pants†. T hits M’s swing with the sword again. M screams again and calls out to her mom. Mom ignores this. M continues to all T a â€Å"party pants†repeatedly. T starts hitting M’s swing again, as M is screaming. This goes on for five minutes (timed). Mom finally tells T to stop and tells him that if he hits her swing one more time, his sword will be taken away. M proceeds to call T a â€Å"party pants†again. T hesitates to do anything and looks over at mom who is ignoring the situation. M continues to taunt T. Finally, T hits M’s swing and M screams. It’s sword is taken away. T asks mom why M is not in trouble for calling him a â€Å"party pants†. Mom does not respond and walks away. M calls T a â€Å"party pants†one last time and leaves the swing. She runs overt mom and gives her a hug and kiss and says â€Å"I love you mommy’. The mother used presentation of punishment to decrease It’s undesirable behavior. The warning and punishment had a positive and negative response. The positive response was that the behavior was stopped. The negative response was that only one undesirable behavior was punished and stopped. When parents treat their children differently by directly varying amounts Of discipline to the two children, sibling relations are likely to be more conflicting and less friendly if children view these differences as unfair, which I believe T did by his reaction. I found this to be concerning, considering It’s amount of aggression he displays in his make-believe play. M also showed a lack of moral reasoning and did not show that she was not aware of It’s feelings. M takes her small Barbie’s out her purse and other figurines and groups all the Barbie’s together and all the figurines together, which displays the ability to draw appropriate inferences about these objects and shows normal categorization, as with the puzzle she was doing with her mother at the table. M and her brother pretend to hit the family dog with their swords and at times actually hit the dog. They also pretend to cut the dog up with their swords. These behaviors demonstrate animistic thinking believing that their inanimate object (sword) has lifelike qualities and intentions. According to Pigged, because young children egocentrically assign human purposes to physical events, magical thinking is common during the preschool years, (Beer, 2010, p. 321). Conclusion I enjoyed observing these children very much. I have watched them grow and change over the last three years. I find M very animated and interesting to observe and find T very in touch with his emotions and struggles with them at times. He is very athletic and determined. The reason I chose the children’s home environment is because I felt their own surroundings would be a good way to see what their normal daily routines would be and to see how they interact with family members. I found the backyard a bit limiting and would not choose this setting again. Even though I did not find it was a great setting, did manage to collect some good data. As a mother and grandmother, I did find it hard sometimes during these observations not to jump in and say something to the mother when she was ignoring certain behaviors or when her children clearly just needed some attention. So it was hard at times not to interact with the children. However, I knew I had to control that urge as my role was to observe nothing more. I have learned how to observe and evaluate a child in the operational stage. I have learned what milestones to look for and where a child between the ages of 2 to 7 should be developmentally. It gave me a better understanding to physically do the exercise rather than just reading a textbook I see the value in observing two different children, as not all children are alike in development and behavior. Ideally, a different setting for each hill would have been preferred; however this family is moving in a week and their home is full of moving boxes, so I settled for the backyard with both children. How to cite Child Observation Report, Essays
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The great depression and the new deal
Table of Contents Introduction The Cause of the great depression Effects of the great depression Reactions to the great depression The New Deal (ND) Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The Great Depression (GD) of 1929-40s refers to the collapse of the world economy. It was normally caused by the collapse of the stock market. During this epoch high levels of unemployment dominated the world thus the closure of a myriad of businesses (Rauchway 105) .Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The great depression and the new deal specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although it had no significant impact in some countries around the globe, cases of countries such as the US was severe (Hillstrom 11). This left a large proportion of individuals jobless. In addition, the majority of them lost high valued properties and became homeless. It was therefore, necessary that, the government to compensate the affected individual s. The government accomplished this by devising a strategy aimed at averting the situation. A number of prominent members in the government devised numerous new deals. This was the turning point as the Americans became awake and sought for the strategies of ending the depression (Edsforth 262). A number of interested individuals brought their opinions. For instance, a democrat entitled as Glass believed in the dominance of the white, budget devoid of deficits, the statutory rights, as well as the controlled power accorded to the president. Therefore, this document will discuss the cause, effects, as well as the reactions to the great depression. The Cause of the great depression Before the economy collapsed, Americans experienced some problems, which later became the cause of the great the GD (Murphy 17). For instance, there was poor distribution of wealth resulting to the increased gap between the affluent and the poor. The poor banking system among the banks was an additional chal lenge. This is because banks were in favor of some sectors. Unfavorable balance of payments deficits dominated the entire economy, resulting to more imports than exports hence the US turned into a creditor nation. There was also the general increase of the price of commodities in the stock exchange market. This culminated into a vast wealth accumulation among the capital class (Murphy 112). There also existed some ignorance of the less speculative economic indicators leading to high investments among the capitalists (Hillstromn 109). The gambling of commodities created a high inflation and this weakened the economy expansively. Financial institutions such as banks started numerous loan facilities in favor of stock- buyers. This was because stocks were selling at a good price than the other commodities in the market. In addition, the banks allowed capitalists to use stock as security for loans. In case the value of stock goes down, the financial institutions have less value security of loans taken by capitalists.Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This would therefore, mean that financial institutions remain with less monetary items. This is indicative that productive businesses would not thrive, and mortgages would foreclose. As a result, bankruptcy among the business people heightened due to the collapse of the stock exchange used by a large proportion of individuals as short cut to becoming wealthy. There was an immense panic among people since they had lost confidence in their savings. The panic resulted from the investment of client’s savings on the stocks. The closure of the stock exchange market meant that banks experienced a high level of withdrawals thus their closure. A great market crash was therefore, experienced in late October 1920. Effects of the great depression The collapse of the stock market had a profound impact on the industries. F or instance, numerous industries lost their capital in the market crash. Moreover, some industries lost their capital due to bank’s closures. Consequently, capitalists had to reduce the working duration sometimes, as well as the worker’s wage bill. This resulted to low purchasing among the customers, as well as a reduced spending on luxurious commodities. Conversely, the reduced spending among the customers meant low demand of workforce. This further led to a reduction of the number of workers, and their wage bill. Drastically after the cost reduction measures, a myriad of businesses could not thrive leading their eventual closure. Lastly, the workers lost their jobs. Consequently, the unemployment rate escalated the ratio of dependency. Reactions to the great depression After the collapse of the economy, Americans sought a solution for the economic crash. Some Americans blamed President Hoover while others targeted the financial institutions and businesspersons. The c ollapse of the economy was not only attributed to one side, but to all structures of the American’s economy (Marsh 25). The government responded in several ways. First, President Herbert, the President of the time in the US refused to intervene on the people’s behalf. He regarded the government intervention as a moral decay of the American person. He further argued that, during such a difficult situation in a country, proper strategic measures are crucial in curbing the situation. Though forced by the congress to show his concern on the crash, he remained reluctant. This was due to his concern of balancing the national budget. More importantly, he was against violating his principles. He conducted spending in order to stabilize the business sector.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The great depression and the new deal specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He was encouraged by the fact that regai ned prosperity calm the poor majority, who in turn they behaved unwillingly in waiting. Consequently, due to his uncaring nature, he was later defeated in a preceding elections of 1932 by Franklin D. Roosevelt. During the campaigns, Franklin had promised to respond appropriately in order to mitigate the depression. While in office, he carefully followed his advisors instructions and developed programmes aimed at recovering the economy. He later launched the politics of the New Deal, which was a measure of essential conservation. The New Deal was to redeem capitalism and the key economic institutions of US from the dangerous depression. The New Deal (ND) In the first deal, the Tennessee valley Authority (TVA) of 1933 reflected on the incoming liberal means of the second ND. The TVA provided the required funds to transform the economies of seven depressed states a together with the Tennessee River. This entailed the construction of dams, power making, as well as the flood and soil ero sion control. The above construction activities were relatively high wage jobs (Edsfoth 264). Sources have shown that this is a socialism ideology. Other sources have regarded them as a proper way of solving social and economic problems. The second ND (1935-40S), aimed at ending the depression by spending in all economic activities. This increased the number of consumers, hence a higher demand for commodities. The resultant effect is a high spending hence economic growth. Conclusion Since economic depression, results from preventable factors, there, therefore, need to find appropriate prevention measures. First low spending by both consumers and the government demands improvement. The government, therefore, should use its huge financial power; inform of taxation and spending, as a precautionary measure to stabilize the economy. The increased spending needs emphasis in order to deal with depression adequately. This is crucial in the prevention of cases allied with the economic crash. Work Cited Edsforth, Ronald. The New deal: America’s response to the great depression .Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2000. Print. Marsh, Carole. The great depression and the new deal. Peachtree, GA: Gallopade International. Peachtree, 2005. Print.Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Murphy, Robert. The politically incorrect guide to the great depression and the new deal. New York, NY: Regnery publishing, 2009. Print. Rauchway, Eric. The great depression: A very short introduction. New York, NY: Oxford University press, 2008. Print. This research paper on The great depression and the new deal was written and submitted by user SisterGrimm to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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